Making your health a priority so you can live your best life!
Lasting weight loss programs
Canberra Australia
Making your health a priority so you can live your best life!
Lasting weight loss programs
Canberra Australia
Identify mindsets and behaviours that can sabotage your efforts. Improve self-esteem, confidence and your ability to heal.
Learn small, research-based skills that become second nature and prevent weight regain and constant cravings.
Enjoy healthier eating, grocery shopping and physical activity habits that bring you new energy and inspiration.
Stay on track with ongoing guidance, accountability checks and my collaboration with your healthcare professionals (if needed).
Learn strategies and habits that help you sustain a healthy weight to prevent or reduce chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol.
This 12-week program is based on proven results from my work as a Weight Management Practitioner and my collaboration with general practitioners and healthcare specialists.
Lasting Change has been created to not only coach and educate you about healthy habits, but also to help you adopt them as your own, for the long term.
We will work together closely, and in doing your part, expect amazing changes!
Videos and worksheets covering topics we determine together, such as:
Free access to an app where we communicate and you can track your success!
We talk one-on-one during this 15-minute call to determine if this program is a good fit for you.
If it’s a good fit, we schedule your first session.
We begin by completing initial assessments, creating goals and deciding next steps!
Receive ongoing monthly support and accountability to ensure lasting success!